Month: March 2021

Wallet Factory and Belize Bank to build a mobile payment platform and digital wallet in Belize

Wallet Factory, an enterprise-grade platform for up-to-date mobile financial services, announced an agreement with The Belize Bank Limited (BBL) to build a fully-functional mobile payment ecosystem for local end-users, merchants, and retailers.

Deputy CEO – Mr Filippo Alario Appears on Business Perspective to talk about E-kyash

Deputy CEO/Chief Risk Officer: Mr. Filippo Alario to introduce E-kyash to our market. Learn what it is and how is seeks to fill so many of the gaps left open in our experience when we transact with cash.

Deputy CEO – Mr Filippo Alario Appears on OYE to talk about E-kyash

Watch OYE’s full interview with Belize Bank’s Deputy CEO/Chief Risk Officer: Mr. Filippo Alario and learn about our digital wallet-E-Kyash!